Bespoke representation.

2020 marks 20 years of Lise and Ian Manley representing the best of the best in South Africa and further afield.

Manley Communications (MC SA) is by definition a luxury brand perception management consultancy, specialising in relationship marketing and obtaining its clients’ quality editorial content, in addition to social media/digital management.

Founded by Ian and Lise Manley in 2000, who trained and worked in luxury hotel operations in both Central Europe and Southern Africa before moving into tourism public relations and the more niche service of luxury brand perception management, we use our extensive insight, experience and contacts to form meaningful business partnerships for our clients.

Services include crisis communication, content creation, social media and digital reputation management, collaborative brand partnerships and strategic consultations.

With our in-depth knowledge of the tourism and blue chip corporate industries, our innovative approach to raising profiles and our ability for getting the right attention from the right people, we ensure your return on investment is absolute.

With a dedicated office team based in Cape Town of 10 permanently employed staff and 2 decades of public relations and brand building experience, we are skilled in predicting print and digital trends and we pride ourselves on sharing our knowledge and helping to create unique presence for our clients in the marketplace.

Our business is ensuring the spotlight remains firmly focused on your business.

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PR World Network

Manley Communications is a proud member of the PR World Network, an international organisation of independent agencies founded by Lou Hammond & Associates to offer worldwide public relations and marketing services with like-minded companies.

Composed of 21 global agencies, the group has capabilities in 50+ countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. Offering an array of services including diverse languages, Network members stand ready to support clients for international representation.